Graphic Warning Signs contain messages with short text formats with/without pictures. The messages warn people to avoid certain situations i.e "touching hot surfaces", "smoking", "high-voltage", "low fuel", "explicit content" etc.  Those are the "watch out" type messages, which can be found in our daily surroundings and provide information about the possible consequences. Some examples are shown below:

Various risk messages could also be transmitted via sound systems. The messages contain sounds that are informative enough to start evacuation, prepare for a disaster or inform others about different situations (ships entering the harbour; avoiding car accident; the ambulance, police or firefighters are coming etc.). Society uses sounds to communicate with others, so listen to the examples provided below. Those are the messages, which can be found in our daily surroundings. 

San Francisco Tsunami Alarm, By Alex V, (1:35)


Alarm Evacuate Building SOUND EFFECT by Audio Productions (3:08)


Police, Ambulance & Fire truck siren compilation by  Cobra Emergency Videos (15:01)


Ship horn blast by MrBobity (0:40)



The combination of sounds, text and pictures is mostly used in the news. News provide various types of information and informs huge audiences. Watch the videos below:

Texas church shooting leaves many dead by BBC News (3:53)


How Hawaii is preparing for a nuclear strike by CNN (3:01)


Last modified: Sunday, 12 November 2017, 4:37 PM